Matt BrownMy incredible journey with PHPBefore I joined Vimeo in 2014 my PHP code had not been scrutinised by other humans, and it was an enlightening experience. I discovered I…Jun 29, 20212Jun 29, 20212
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogThe great pretender: Faster application tests with MySQL simulationVimeo built a replica MySQL engine in PHP (with help from Slack). Find out what we gained from going down that path!Feb 1, 20214Feb 1, 20214
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogIt’s not legacy code — it’s PHPVimeo has been using PHP in production for over 15 years. Find out how we keep a million lines of PHP in check!Dec 15, 202022Dec 15, 202022
Matt BrownAnnouncing Psalm support for LaravelToday I’m releasing a Psalm plugin for LaravelMar 5, 20191Mar 5, 20191
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogUncovering PHP bugs with @templateAt a former job I wrote a load of C# code, and I really enjoyed playing around with generic classes…Jan 30, 20191Jan 30, 20191
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogAnnouncing Psalm v3TL;DR: Psalm is a PHP static analysis tool that’s designed to improve large codebases by identifying both obvious and hard-to-spot bugs…Jan 3, 20193Jan 3, 20193
Matt BrownImproving WordPress with Static AnalysisWhen PHP 5.2.4 was released in August 2007, the world was reading the last instalment of the Harry Potter series, watching Transformers in…Jun 6, 20182Jun 6, 20182
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogFixing code that ain’t brokenIn June of 2015, the Vimeo Codebase was large, sprawling, and full of magic. It processed many millions of requests every hour. The users…Mar 16, 20183Mar 16, 20183
Matt BrowninVimeo Engineering BlogAutomated type inference for dynamically typed programsRecently, we released a tool called Psalm that’s designed to check PHP code for potential errors. We use it at Vimeo as part of our build…Apr 12, 2017Apr 12, 2017